Oncology Society Bulgaria has the following goals:

  1. Developing international activity and making international contacts with other persons and organizations abroad – for the fastest transfer of the achievements of medical oncology and related specialties in the Republic of Bulgaria
  2. Support for maintaining and updating the qualifications of doctors with a medical specialty in medical oncology and related specialties;
  3. Protecting the interests of the members of the association and establishing loyal relations between them
  4. Assists in the development and updating of standards and quality assessment in the field of its activity
  5. Develops and proposes to the competent authorities regulatory changes in order to increase the quality and access to medical assistance in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties
  6. Provides expert and advisory assistance to the competent institutions in the health sector
  7. Disseminates scientific and practical information, including through the website of the association
  8. Organizes and conducts, in accordance with its competences, training of doctors, students and specialists
  9. Creates and maintains contacts and implements joint initiatives with all interested parties, including patient organizations and other non-governmental organizations
  10. Raises and distributes funds to achieve the objectives of the association
  11. Conducts information, propaganda and other activities to popularize the subject and goals of the association
  12. Provides information to its members and maintains a good coordination network
  13. Collects and maintains information funds on the legislation in force in the country and abroad and any other information in the sphere of activity of the association
  14. Prepares and distributes scientific and informational materials, maintains contacts with mass media
  15. Establishes contacts and assists in establishing equal and loyal relations with state bodies and public organizations
  16. Organizes national and international scientific events – congresses, conferences, symposia, etc.
  17. Prepares and presents to the competent institution’s opinions regarding problems in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties
  18. Undertakes actions to protect its members, in accordance with its competence, in the event of violations by various bodies and organizations
  19. It carries out cooperation and partnership with related organizations.


The association carries out its activity for public benefit and cannot be transformed into an association for carrying out activity for private benefit. Within its competence, the association carries out activities with the following subject:

    1. Assists in the development of medical oncology through the implementation and development of modern achievements and practices
    2. Performs activities with the aim of introducing in the Republic of Bulgaria the internationally accepted principles, norms and quality standards in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties and activities
    3. Supports the professional development, training and upgrading of the qualifications of medical specialists in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties and medical students
    4. Defends the professional rights of persons working in the field of medical oncology and helps to achieve favorable and modern working and training conditions
    5. Helps to achieve better management of medical care and the construction of quality medical care through expert assistance in the development of the legal and by-law regulatory framework
    6. Performs activities for the introduction of internationally recognized quality control methods in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties
    7. Helps to establish high professional criteria and professional ethics in the field of medical oncology and related medical specialties
    8. Participates in the creation of policies, standards and a regulatory framework for timely and accessible oncology care
    9. Supports state and public structures to confirm good practices in the field of medical oncology and increase the quality of activity at all levels and subjects, formation of criteria for evaluation and selection of personnel
    10. Performs all other activities permitted by law, within the scope of its competence.