Bulgaria Cancer Society is an independent association of doctors and residents in oncology and related medical specialists, medical students and other specialists and Bulgarian legal entities that aim at the development, improving and achieving a qualitatively higher level of theory and practice in the field of medical oncology.

Created in the spirit of cooperation, innovation, resilience and good morals, it aims to develop a high standard of medical oncology and related specialties; to create suitable conditions for the realization of the right of all citizens to quality oncological treatment and prevention; to develop programs and projects to raise the professional level of doctors and other medical specialists working in the field of medical oncology and achieving the highest level of the training and practice of medical oncology and related specialties majors; as well as systematic modernization of medical training programs in oncology.

The association can support the implementation of innovative diagnostic methods and treatment in the field of medical oncology and related specialties. Bulgaria Cancer Society will actively assist in the determination of the state health policy regarding medical oncology by helping in the creation and the improvement of the normative base, algorithms and standards for diagnosis and treatment and evaluation of activities related to oncology practice and profession, in conditions of the ever-changing regulatory environment.

Bulgaria Cancer Society provides protection of the professional rights and interests of doctors and other medical specialists working in the field of medical oncology, ex all institutions in the field of health care, as well as other state and municipal bodies, public and business organizations through the means and methods permitted by law.